Managing and Deleting Tags

An overview of how to manage your historian tags, update their properties, and delete tags.

To manage your historian tags, you will use the Historian Config. Either navigate to the historian port, default location is localhost:4511 or, in a Windows environment, select the Historian port from the Services Starter config.

Edit Tag Properties

Browse your historian datasets and make changes to the tag configurations as necessary. You may select tags individually, or select multiple tags using the Filter dialogue box and the column of tick boxes on the left of the tag list.

Delete Tags

Tags can be individually deleted by selecting each tag or deleted in groups by using the multi-select feature. With your tag(s) selected, either click the Edit icon or the Edit # tags button. The tag menu will open on the right hand side of the screen and you can select the Delete icon at the bottom. Verify your delete with the prompt and the tag(s) and all of the associated history are now removed from the historian.