Time Series Historian Settings

Adjust where the historian stores the history files, as well as some basic logging details and port settings.

Begin by opening Windows File Explorer and navigating to the installation directory for the historian. The default is C:\Program Files\Flow Software\Timebase\Historian

Within the Time Series Historian folder, open the file appsettings.json.

Your file should look similar to the snippet below. 

Modify as necessary based on your environment.

 "Data": "C:\\Timebase Data\\Data",
"DetailedErrors": true,
  "Logging": {
    "LogLevel": {
      "Default": "Information",
      "Timebase.Dataset.*": "Information",
    "Timebase.Historian.*": "Information",
      "Microsoft.AspNetCore": "Warning"
  "Kestrel": {
    "Endpoints": {
      "Http": {
        "Url": ""

Section: DetailedErrors

This option is commonly used to control whether detailed error messages are shown when something goes wrong.

"DetailedErrors": true,
  • Set to either true or false. Setting this to true means that when an error occurs, the system will display more comprehensive error messages, which can help developers or users troubleshoot the issue more effectively.

Section: Logging

This section controls the logging behavior for different components of the application. To begin, it is recommended that you leave these settings at their default.

  "Logging": {
    "LogLevel": {
      "Default": "Information",
      "Timebase.Dataset.*": "Information",
      "Timebase.Historian.*": "Debug",
      "Microsoft.AspNetCore": "Warning"
  • LogLevel: Specifies the level of detail for logs for various components.

    • "Default": "Information": Sets the default logging level to Information. This means logs will capture informational messages, warnings, and errors, but not detailed Debug information.
    • "Timebase.Dataset.*": "Information": This is specifically configuring the logging level for the Timebase.Dataset.* namespace. It will log information at the Information level for all components matching this namespace.
    • "Timebase.Historian.*": "Debug": This sets the logging level for the Timebase.Historian.* namespace to Debug. This will log detailed messages useful during development or debugging.
    • "Microsoft.AspNetCore": "Warning": This configures the logging level for Microsoft’s ASP.NET Core framework to Warning. Only warnings and errors will be logged for this component, filtering out general information logs.

Section: Kestrel

Kestrel is a web server used in ASP.NET Core applications.

"Kestrel": {
    "Endpoints": {
      "Http": {
        "Url": ""
  • Endpoints: Defines where the application will listen for HTTP requests.
    • "Http": { "Url": "" }: This means that the web server will listen for HTTP requests on all network interfaces ( on port 4511. This makes the application accessible from any IP address.

Section: Data

This specifies the path on the server where the application's data is stored.

"Data": "C:\\Timebase Data\\Data"

In this case, the path points to C:\\Timebase Data\\Data. It could be where the Timebase system stores historical or other related data.


⚠️ Important: When specifying a path on Windows, you must use double backslashes (\\) between folder names, as a single backslash is an escape character in JSON.