The OPC UA Collector Plugin

This Collector Plugin provides connecting and subscribing to tags configured in a OPC UA Server.




The Settings section has defined the OPC UA Server connection and one Subscription.

The Subscription will subscribe to all tags in the OPC UA Server matching  Timebase Load Test.PLC 01.000000.# or DataSim.#

When the plugin receives a simple message, it will package it and send it to the Historian with the current timestamp.

Ensure you configure your Historian Host and MQTT Host addresses to the correct

Lets look a bit closer to the structure and properties of the settings file:


These will pertain to specific configuration Items for the OPC UA Plugin connections

"Url": "opc.tcp://<yourOPC UAHostOrIPAddress>:<yourOPC UAServerPort>",
"StoreType": "Directory",  
"StorePath": "%CommonApplicationData%\\OPC Foundation\\CertificateStores\\MachineDefault",  
"SubjectName": "CN=Quickstart Console Reference Client, C=US, S=Arizona, O=OPC Foundation, DC=localhost",  
"Subscriptions": [    
"Interval": 100,      
"Topics": [        
"Timebase Load Test.PLC 01.000000.#",        


  • Url string required The hostname or IP address and port of the OPCUS Server to connect to
  • StoreType string Specifies the specific store type for certificate management. Default value is Directory.
  • StorePath string is the absolute path to the directory where the certificate store is located.
  • SubjectName string Make sure to specify the correct certificate name for the connection

Authentication (If Required)

  • Username string The username required to authenticate with the MQTT broker
  • Password string The password required to authenticate with the MQTT broker. If a Username is provided, then a Password must also be provided.


  • Subscriptions array of Subscription required

Subscription Definition


  • Interval intThis represents the cyclic rate at which the subscription executes and attempts to send a NotificationMessage to the client


  • Topics array of string Topics are case-sensitive and composed of one or more levels, separated by a forward slash ("/"). "+" represents a single-level wildcard (e.g. "rooms/+/temperature"). \"#\" represents a multi-level wildcard that can only be used as the last character in the topic, preceded by a forward slash (e.g. "rooms/#"). Avoid leading or trailing slashes. Avoid empty topics (e.g. "rooms//temperature").
  • Filter string A tag filter is case-sensitive regex string applied to the resultant tagnames (e.g. "Line 1|.*RPM$" will exclude any tagname that contains "Line 1" or ends with "RPM". The regex string can be used to specify multiple filters where required.