Upgrading Timebase and Release Notes

How to upgrade an existing version of Timebase and information about each new release

How to Upgrade

Version Release Notes

How to Upgrade

Moving to a new version of Timebase is simple and straightforward. For Windows, stop all Timebase services and run the new Timebase installer. In Docker, update the containers to use the new image(s).

Configuration files should not be affected by the upgrade.

However, as a precaution, it is always advised you back up the appsettings.json files as well as the Config folders for each of the Timebase components, including the Service Starter, Historian, Collector, and Explorer.

For Windows installations, back up the Config folders by navigating to the C:\ProgramData\Flow Software\Timebase\ directory and within each of the folders for Historian, Collector, Explorer, and Service Starter, copy the Config folder into a temporary directory.

Do the same for the appsettings.json file for Historian, Collector, Explorer, and Service Starter from the C:\Program Files\Flow Software\Timebase\ directory.

For Docker installations, back up the folder that your Config volume references.

Version Release Notes

Version 1.0.2

January 28, 2025 - Windows Docker


  • Fixed an issue related to the datatype conversion of tag values. The issue caused a 500 (Internal Server Error) response from the Historian. After applying the fix, any tags previously set as Double will handle incoming String values such that, if the String value cannot be converted to a Double, it will be stored as a null value in the Historian.

Version 1.0.1

January 21, 2025 - Windows Docker

  • IMPORTANT - Fixed an issue relating to the Purge Age of Datasets not being set correctly, potentially leading to unintended data loss under specific conditions after restarting the Historian.

To avoid unintended data loss, make sure to shutdown v1.0.0, perform this upgrade, and ONLY THEN RESTART the Historian.


Version 1.0.0

December 18, 2024

Initial versions

  • Historian
  • Collector
  • Explorer (Beta)
  • Windows Service Starter